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Planning Board Minutes May 2002
(603) 798-4350

MAY 2, 2002

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Dave Colbert, Richard DeBold, Ron Lesieur, Stan Brehm, Harold Arey, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of April 4, 2002.

One change was made to the date of the minutes from March 7, 2002 to April 4, 2002.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the date change.

                Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Jim Mullaney
                                                Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision
                                                Map 2, Lot 61, Horse Corner Road
Also lots in Pembroke, needs Pembroke hearings.

Mr. Mullaney was not present at the beginning of this hearing.  It was also brought to the attention of the Board that some new abutters had not been listed on the abutter listing and Mr. Mullaney had been listed as an abutter, therefore the hearings would not be held.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Amerada Hess Corporation/Crossroads II
                                                McNichol Property
                                                Site Review, Multi-use
                                                Map 4, Lot 167, Dover Road

Abutters: Bob & Katie Shaw

Peter Howe from Fay, Spofford and Klondike presented revised plans to the Board. Minor revisions have been made to the plans pertaining to the site. The pavement will be extended behind the building for emergency access; the car wash area will be defined on pavement for proper traffic flow that will not interfere with pump traffic flow.

Several overlay plans were presented to show circulation of different kinds of traffic. Septic system is more than adequate to house the site.  A traffic study has been done and will be reported to State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District 5, at which time the Board will receive documentation of approval of new proposal and driveway permit.


The signage will remain the same with the name change and each of the businesses having their own signs on the building.

A request was made to have some sort of lighting at the back of the building for safety reasons.

Additional lines will be run from the underground storage tanks but the tanks are fiberglass double walled and in good condition.

Public Hearing set for June 6, 2002.

DISCUSSION:                             James McKerley
                                                Lot line adjustment/consolidation
                                                Map 2, Lots 32-1, 62 & 63, Bailey Road

Mr. McKerley owns all three pieces of property and would like to consolidate to one lot. Mr. McKerley has provided the Board with a voluntary consolidation form as stated in  RSA: 674:39. The only thing the Board needs will be a new lot number. The secretary will notify Merrimack County Registry of Deeds after further review and the decision of the new lot number.

DISCUSSION:                             Jim Mullaney
                                                Subdivision – Phase II Malachy Glen
                                                Map 2, Lot 77, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Mullaney presented the Board with two different plans for Phase II one entering Bailey Road and the other entering off of Route 4 between Dexter Shoes and Twomey & Sisti Law Office. This will be either a 17 or 19 lot subdivision. The Road Agent has stated that if the project were to come out on to Bailey Road he would request the road be paved.

There is a concern with the road coming out onto Route 4 with the already dangerous traffic issues in the area.

Mr. Mullaney would be willing to meet a compromise to build the project. There is a limit on development in Chichester and Mr. Mullaney would like to request that the entire subdivision be approved with stipulation on the plan not to be improved until 2003, 2004, 2005 and so forth for each lot over the first allowed per zoning.

Mr. Mullaney would like to complete the road in one process. It is very hard to build a road in phases, he states it is not good for the road and it is not good for the homeowners. Mr. Mullaney would also like to have some type of assurance as to building and something regarding impact fee choices. Chairman Scott made it clear that the impact fees are not going away and the building development zoning would not be comprised unless the developer is willing to mitigate.  Mr. Mullaney stated he would be willing to mitigate. Mr. Twomey would like to be notified of all meetings for this project.

Mr. Mullaney will contact Secretary Deachman when he is ready to continue.


Discussion on what to work on for zoning changes.

Elderly housing, flood insurance, impact fee waivers and affordable or manufactured housing were all discussed.

Chairman Scott requested that the Board members jot down some zoning issues they would like to address and bring them to the next meeting.

The Board will also be working on updating the CIP and the Master Plan this year.

The Board was informed that David Holmes has been appointed as an alternate to the Planning Board.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                        Arey/Lesieur                    (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott